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04 Jun

Virtual Worship Service for the First Sunday after Trinity, Sunday, June 6, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210606_1032_02_01 by Pastor Mark Rabe Sermon Transcript: Sermon Transcript First Sunday after Trinity 6-6-2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-06-06 First Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 37 Trinity 1 Readings: Genesis 15:1–6, 1 John 4:16–21, Luke 16:19–31 Faith Trusts in Christ ...

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30 May

June Newsletter and Calendar

The June Newsletter and Calendar have been posted on this website. Click on this link for the June 2021 Newsletter. The link is also available from the Communications page.  June 2021 Newsletter   Click on this link to go to ...

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28 May

Virtual Worship Service for Holy Trinity Sunday, May 30, 2021

Sermon Audio: Sermon Audio May 30 2021 Sermon Transcript: Sermon May 30 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-05-30 Holy Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 36 Holy Trinity Readings: Isaiah 6:1–7, Romans 11:33–36, John 3: 1-17 The Holy Trinity Reveals Himself to Sinners When ...

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21 May

Virtual Worship Service for Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210523_0827 Sermon Transcript: Sermon May 23 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-05-23 Pentecost Sunday Online Children’s Bulletin: 35 Pentecost Readings: Genesis 11: 1-9, Acts 2: 1-21, John 14: 23-31 The Holy Spirit Gives Peace Following the flood, Noah’s descendants failed ...

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14 May

Virtual Worship Service for the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Exaudi, May 16, 2021

Sermon Audio: May 16 2021 Audio Sermon Transcript: Sermon Transcript Seventh Sunday of Easter 5-16-2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-05-16 Seventh Sunday of Easter Online Children’s Bulletin:34 Easter VII Readings: Ezekiel 36: 22-28, 1 Peter 4: 7-14, John 15:26–16:4 The Spirit of ...

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07 May

Virtual Worship Service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Rogate, May 9, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210512_1654_02_01 Sermon Transcript: Sermon Transcript Sixth Sunday of Easter 5-12-2021  Worship Bulletin: 2021-05-09 Sixth Sunday of Easter Online Children’s Bulletin: 32 Easter VI Readings: Numbers 21:4–9, James 1:22–27, John 16:23–33 The Father Answers Our Prayers Because of Jesus ...

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