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30 Jul

Virtual Worship Service for the Ninth Sunday after Trinity, August 1, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210801_1055 Sermon Transcript: Sermon August 1 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-08-01 Ninth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 45 Trinity 9 Readings:  2 Samuel 22: 26-34, 1 Corinthians 10: 6-13, Luke 16: 1-13 The Steward’s Shrewdness Sanctified “The master ...

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22 Jul

Virtual Worship Service for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity, July 25, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210725_1053 Sermon Transcript: Sermon July 25 2021  Worship Bulletin: 2021-07-25 Eighth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 44 Trinity 8 Readings:   Jeremiah 23: 16-29, Acts 20: 27-38, Matthew 7: 15-23 Beware of False Prophets “Beware of false prophets, who ...

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16 Jul

Virtual Worship Service for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, July 18, 2021

Sermon Audio:210721_1726 Sermon Transcript: Sermon July 21 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-07-18 Seventh Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 43 Trinity 7 Readings: Genesis 2: 7-17, Romans 6: 19-23, Mark 8: 1-9 Jesus Restores Paradise and Feeds Us Freely In the ...

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08 Jul

Virtual Worship Service for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity, July 11, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210711_1058 Sermon Transcript: Sermon July 11 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-07-11 Sixth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 42 Trinity 6 Readings: Exodus 20: 1-17, Romans 6: 1-11, Matthew 5: 17-26 Our Only Hope Is in Christ’s Righteousness “Unless ...

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01 Jul

Virtual Worship Service for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210704_1057_01 Sermon Transcript: Sermon July 4 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-07-04 Fifth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 41 Trinity 5 Readings:  1 Kings 19: 11-21, 1 Peter 3: 8-15, Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Makes Fishers of Men The Lord ...

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18 Jun

Virtual Worship Service for the Third Sunday after Trinity, Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210620_0830 Sermon Transcript: Sermon June 20 2021 Worship Bulletin:2021-06-20 Third Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 39 Trinity 3 Readings:  Genesis 50:15–21, Romans 8:18–23, Luke 6:36–42 Those Who Wait on the Lord Shall Rejoice The people of God ...

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