Community Outreach
Parrish Food Ministry
Faith Lutheran Church is a partner in the Parrish United Methodist Church Food Pantry Ministry. Faith members may donate food items and paper products by filling the blue barrel in the Narthex.
The Pantry conducts drive-thru distributions available to anyone who needs food every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 10:00 am-12:00 pm at PUMC located at 12180 US-301 in Parrish. Because of the generosity of the local community, businesses, and farmers, the ministry has been able to have enough food for 400-500 vehicles on each Saturday since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Every vehicle gets one grocery bag filled with rice, pasta, beans, produce, cereal, breads, toilet paper, OJ and meat products as long as the supplies last.
Flags at Faith
Driving along US-301, people are sure to notice the distinctive flag display on the south side of the Church. Faith Lutheran Church installed the flags and a simple cross with the motto “For God and Country”. We maintain this display to honor, recognize, and show appreciation for the service of our military and first responders who protect our nation and our freedom to gather and worship God. For more information about the Flag Display, contact Gary Bonadurer, Head Trustee.
Solve Maternity Homes
Solve is a faith-based nonprofit organization in Bradenton that provides cost-free maternity housing and support for at-risk women during and after pregnancy. The blessing of pregnancy usually calls for joyful celebration. But for those caught in the cycle of poverty, addiction, or abuse, pregnancy is an additional challenge that can lead to abandonment and despair. Since 1976, Solve has been empowering at-risk pregnant women to become confident, capable parents and thriving members of society. For more information about Solve, you can go to their website at
Faith Lutheran Church, through the auspices of the LWML, makes contributions to the four Solve Maternity Homes. At Christmas time, baby items are collected for these homes. The women earn points by attending counseling, education classes, and doing assigned chores within their home. With these points, they can shop from the donated items.
Walkers from Faith Lutheran Church join annually with walkers from other area churches to participate in the Manatee County CROP Hunger Walk, making their way across the Green Bridge over the Manatee River. CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events that have been sponsored by Church World Service for 50 years to raise funds to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world. The local Manatee County event raises approximately $20,000 each year to help feed hungry people worldwide and 25% of the funds raised remain in the local area. For more information, visit or contact Martha Riedl, our church’s representative.
Project Heart Hygiene Kits
Faith Women in Action (LMWL) coordinates Project Heart in cooperation with the Manatee County school system. Individual hygiene kits are prepared with a hand towel, washcloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, deodorant, nailclipper and a file. These kits are distributed by the schools to children in need. All Church Members may donate items for the kits by placing them in the plastic tub near the LWML table in the Narthex.
Resources for Members with Hearing Loss
Many members of Faith Lutheran Church are affected by hearing loss. Resources are available to support them through our church member, Eloise Schwarz, who is also the Leader for the Hearing Loss Association of America Sun City Center Chapter (HLAA-SCC). The Chapter’s mission is to open the world of communication to people with hearing loss by providing inclusive information, essential education, sensible support, and active advocacy. For more information, you can go to their website at or contact Eloise at