Author Archives: Faith Lutheran Church

22 Oct

Worship Service for the 21st Sunday after Trinity, October 24, 2021

Sermon Audio: 211027_1737_01 Sermon Transcript: Sermon October 24 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-10-24 Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 57 Trinity 21 Readings:  Genesis 1: 1-2:3, Ephesians 6: 10-17, John 4: 46-54 God Declares Us Righteous Unsheathing His Word Against ...

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14 Oct

Worship Service for the 20th Sunday after Trinity, October 17, 2021

Sermon Audio: 211017_0829 Sermon Transcript: Sermon October 17 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-10-17 Twentieth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 56 Trinity 20 Readings: Isaiah 55: 1-9, Ephesians 5: 15-21, Matthew 22: 1-14 Jesus Invites Us to His Wedding Feast to ...

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07 Oct

Worship Service for the 19th Sunday after Trinity, October 10, 2021

Sermon Audio: 211010_1106 Sermon Transcript: Sermon October 10 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-10-10 Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 55 Trinity 19 Readings: Genesis 28: 10-17, Ephesians 4: 22-28, Matthew 9: 1-8   Jesus’ Incarnation Secures for Us Life, Forgiveness, ...

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01 Oct

Worship Service for the 18th Sunday after Trinity, October 3, 2021

Sermon Audio:211003_0827 Sermon Transcript: Sermon October 3 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-10-03 Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin: 54 Trinity 18 Readings: Deuteronomy 10: 12-21, 1 Corinthians 1: 1-9, Matthew 22:34-46 In Life and Death, Christ Fulfills the Law of ...

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24 Sep

Worship Service for the 17th Sunday after Trinity, September 26, 2021

Sermon Audio: 210926_0827 Sermon Transcript: Sermon Sept 26 2021 Worship Bulletin: 2021-09-26 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Online Children’s Bulletin:53 Trinity 17 Readings: Proverbs 25: 6-14, Ephesians 4: 1-6, Luke 14: 1-11 Whoever Humbles Himself Will Be Exalted “Do not put ...

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24 Sep

Luther Movie Screenings

LUTHER MOVIE SCREENINGS Wednesday October 6 at 2 pm Friday October 8 at 6:30 pm There will be 2 opportunities to come to the Great Hall and watch the 2003 Luther movie starring Joseph Fiennes and learn about the challenges Luther ...

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