Women’s Groups
“Let all things be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40
By keeping God’s house in order and preparing the sanctuary for worship, the Altar Guild provides a valuable service, preparing a proper setting for God’s people to gather and proclaim the Gospel. The Altar Guild has the solemn responsibility to prepare the altar for the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper before each Divine Service. The Altar Guild also maintains the beauty and orderliness of the sanctuary with proper observance of the seasons of the Church year. Altar Guild is an ideal way to serve God and the Church. If you wish to join the Altar Guild, you may contact Kelly Freeman at kellfreem@gmail.com.
Faith Women in Mission is our local chapter of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) which is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Through education, inspiration, and service, the LWML is focused on
– helping each woman draw closer to the Lord;
– encouraging and equipping women to use their God-given talents in sharing God’s love; and
– providing opportunities for service within the congregation and for outreach to our community and the world.
All women members of Faith Lutheran Church are considered members of Faith Women in Mission and invited to attend the meetings and activities. Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September through May. Refreshments begin at 9:30 am followed by a Bible study and business meeting. We encourage our members to be engaged in the Word and in service to others.
Based on the story from the Bible of the widow’s mite, LWML invites all members of the congregation to collect their loose change or dollars in a mite box which can be found on the LMWL table in the Narthex. The mite boxes are then gathered by the LWML to support Florida/Georgia district mission grants and national LWML mission grants.
Faith Women in Action also coordinates the church’s support for local charities including Project Heart, Solve House, and Parrish Food Ministry. More information about each of these projects can be found under the Community Outreach section. LWML also sends “Sonshine” cards to homebound and convalescing members and delivers gift baskets to them at the holidays.
This group meets on Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall to sew, knit, and crochet items for the Manatee County Student Services Department of the School District. They make blankets, bibs, baby layettes and quilts for the children in need. You can contact Gloria Calvelo LiBrizzi at muniel@verizon.net for more information.
Women of Faith meets every other Wednesday from 9:00 – 11:00 am to make quilts, pillows, and laprobes. The ladies work throughout the year and then display the quilted items at the Church during November for blessing before distribution. Congregation members may purchase items during the display by making a freewill donation. Funds from those donations are used to purchase toys to be delivered along with quilts to the Redlands Christian Migrant Association Head Start Program. The toys and quilts items are given to the parents so they may give them to their children on Christmas day. Quilts also are provided to the Meals on Wheels organization and to Solve House for their clients. Quilts, pillows and laprobes made by the group also are given to our congregation’s homebound members. The group is always ready to welcome new volunteers to iron, cut, tie, sew or lay-out quilts to be sewn. There are tasks available for every skill level. Contact Marjorie Weiss if you have any questions.